Worship Team

"Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful song."


One of our primary focuses every Sunday morning is to create a worship experience that celebrates the truth that Jesus is alive. Because He is risen we believe our worship should reflect that. We sing with joy because our lives have been changed by a God who loves us, and we’re declaring together that He is worthy of praise. We want to see people connected to Jesus and one another in a growing expression of authentic worship, responding to who He is and all that He is doing in our lives.

What We Value In Worship...

  • truth over trend
  • authenticity over performance
  • relationship over results
  • excellence over perfection
  • relevance over tradition
  • creativity over complacency
  •  and Christ above all else!


Our approach is to utilize the arts to cultivate an engaging worship experience that glorifies God and inspires people. We love to be inventive and relative in our worship services while still holding onto the strong foundations that have been before our time. As we plan out our Sunday morning services, our desire is to create an atmosphere where everyone will encounter and connect with God in very real way.


How Do I Get Involved?

We’re committed to creating an experience that’s innovative and compelling.  One that connects people with God through a variety of creative avenues. A significant part of this depends on the amazing talents of our volunteers. If you’re interested in serving with your gifts: photography, videography, audio/video technology, instrumental/vocal, or stage design, we’d love to talk with you! To get involved, please contact the church office through the following link.